Power-drifting can yield big fluke. Captain Dave Monti with the 23” fluke caught Saturday while power-drifting , putting the vessel in and out of gear, when fishing the high/low edges at Austin Hollow (an underwater valley) off the west side of Jamestown, RI).
Power-drifting can yield big fluke
Saturday’s wind prediction was off in both intensity and the direction of the wind. Wind and current were not in line. Both of these are needed to establish a good drift for fluke fishing so you drag your bait over the fish. Fluke (or summer flounder) set-up looking into the current for prey that is drifting by.
For anglers still wanting to fish for fluke when wind and tide are not in the same direction, one possible solution is to power-drift your boat in the same direction as the current. This involves putting the vessel in and out of gear slowly trying to mimic the strength of the current.
This Saturday, anglers Dave Sweet and Craig Picard tried to fish for fluke. Dave said, “Wind and tide made the drift not so great, but we have gotten pretty good at the "power drifting" technique, and it paid off for me today with my personal best eight pound fluke.” I went fluke fishing Saturday as well when wind and current were not in line. So I power-drifted fishing the high/low edges at Austin Hollow an underwater valley off Jamestown and it paid off with a 23” fluke.
So when wind and current are not in line and you want to fish for fluke, consider power-drifting.
Warwick residents take top prizes in West Bay Anglers Tournament
The top five anglers in the West Bay Anglers 2012 William Beaudrey Jr. Memorial Striper Tournament went to Warwick residents. The tournament ran from 12:01 a.m., June 2 to 10:00 a.m., June 10. Prizes were awarded Sunday, June 11th at the Warwick FOP. First place for the overall largest fish (a $500 cash prize) was awarded to Jeff Howard of Warwick who weighed in a 43.85 striped bass he caught off Block Island. Lynne Taylor of Warwick took both female category prizes. She receives $200 for her 31.85 pound bass and $100 for her 28.90 pound striped bass. Male category winners were Kyle Armstrong with a 43.50 pound fish and Chris Levasseur who had a 40.70 pound striped bass.
We get mail
Question: Mr. Monti, I often read your column… I thought you might be able to answer a couple of quick questions. I live in Cranston near the waterfront in Edgewood. During high tide two access points to the bay are occupied by fishermen… they often catch striped bass… Is this fish OK to eat if caught in the upper bay?... I just wonder about the quality of the fish caught in the upper bay. We all know that the shellfish is inedible. What about the fin fish?
Barbara Rubine
Response: Hi Barbara, Striped bass are migratory; they are always on the move, most of the time looking for food. That is why they are up in the Bay near Edgewood. They are chasing Atlantic Menhaden (a form of herring). The menhaden go up the Bay to rivers to spawn and the striped bass migrating north follow them. When the menhaden leave and the water warms the striped bass leave. Because striped bass are migratory they usually never spend enough time in any one spot (like the Edgewood area) to be impacted by pollution or harmful algae like shellfish. Striped bass have low levels of mercury compared to other fish but often contain PCB's. However, other fish known to have high levels of PCB's include bluefish, eels, bluefin tuna, marlin, weakfish (or squeteague), shark, swordfish and others. Pregnant women have to be particularly careful of PCB’s. So, to wrap it up, the striped bass caught in the Edgewood area are likely not any more harmful to eat than any other striped bass. Best, Capt. Dave Monti
Where’s the bite
Striped bass. Mary Dangelo of Maridee Bait and Canvas Shop in Narragansett said customers are catching bass early morning and at sun set into the evening. Captain Andy Dangelo of Maridee Charters reports a good bass bite south of Block Island with his largest fish weighing in at 47 pounds. Buddy Thayer went fishing with friends on Block Island with Captain Russ Blank of Striker Charters Saturday. Buddy said, “… he put us right on the fish. North side of Block Island, sixteen blues and eight keepers… trolling two umbrella rigs.” Jeff Barker from the West Bay Anglers competed in their annual striped bass tournament this week. Jeff said, “We fished Block Island and landed a 28, 29 and a 31 pound fish. The fish keep getting larger as the week progressed. The winning fish at 43.85 pounds was caught Saturday night… close to the end of the tournament on Sunday.” Captain Rick Bellavance of Priority Too Charters reports that “Fishing around Block Island has been pretty good. Stripers are just about everywhere, with the largest being taken on yellow and white Poly Jig parachutes. There are a ton of blues in the North Rip, but keeper stripers are mixed in too.” Bass fishing along the southern coastal shores of Rhode Island was good Sunday and Monday with bass up to the 20 pound range along with bluefish mixed in. Reports from Narragansett Bay have been mixed with anglers saying the bite in the mid and lower Bay was slow, however, a good bite has been reported in the East Passage North of Conimicut Light all the way up the Providence River. Jon Blauvelt on the RISAA blog said, “Plenty of bass in the Providence River still. Had one of my best mornings of the year today (Sunday) using chunks on the bottom. Fished outgoing, slack, and incoming with steady bite. All keeper size.”
Bluefish. John Wunner of John’s Bait & Tackle North Kingstown said the large bluefish have invaded Greenwich Bay. Captain John Sheriff said Saturday, “The SW ledge was thick with bluefish. Trolled umbrella rigs. First pass, I had a double header, second pass, a triple header and third pass, a quadruple header.”
Fluke fishing was often difficult for anglers this week as tide and wind were not often in the same direction. Mary Dangelo of Maridee Bait & Canvas said, “Customers are catching fluke inside and outside the Harbor of Refuge with shorts and keepers mixed in John Wunner of John’s Bait & Tackle said, “Customers were catching fluke before the storms of last week, it was shaping up like a great fluke season. So I expect things to pick up this week.”
Scup. Large scup still being caught in the Bay and near coastal waters.
Shark and tuna. Captain Rick Bellavance said, “Shark fishing is good, Bill Brown put his clients on a 325 pound mako this week. There are a few bluefin tuna around the Acid Barge.”