August 30, 2010
Bluefin tuna weighing in at 866 lbs. caught this Sunday by Dean Venticinque (second from left) of the vessel “Twentyfive” at the Mud Hole about eleven nautical miles off Block Island.
Al Conti of Snug Harbor Marina reports three giant bluefin tuna were caught this Sunday including an 866 lb. tuna caught by Dean Venticinque of the vessel Twentyfive; a 425 lb. fish caught by Alice Petrucci of Duck Soup; and a 666 lb. bluefin caught by Joe Warner on the vessel Shadow Maker. Captain Rick Bellavance of Priority Too Charters reported that two giant bluefin tuna weighing over 800 pounds were caught Saturday. Captain Bellavance said, “The crews of the Monsta and Midnight Rambler scored with giant blue fin tuna over 800 pounds fishing in the Mud Hole on Saturday. “ The Mud Hole is about eleven nautical miles ESE off Block Island. These are the first reports of giants being caught. Let’s hope it is a great season.
RI Party & Charter Boast Association (RIPCBA) charity tournament
The RIPCBA held a charity tournament last week. The first place winner was Ralph Dwine from Lyndeborough, NH with a fish that weighed 33.75 pounds. The fish was caught aboard the Persuader run by Capt. Denny Dillon and Mate Jimmy McWilliams. Second place was taken by Paul Furtado from Warwick, RI with a fish that weighed 33.50 pounds. The fish was caught aboard the Maridee II run by Capt. Andy D’Angelo and Mate AJ D’Angelo.
A night of shore fishing
The Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association (RISAA) held a shore fishing workshop this past Monday at the West Valley Inn, West Warwick. At press time Dave Pickering, noted local shore angler was scheduled to speak about Breachway Strategies… or outflows… being some of the best locations in Rhode Island to fish. Fishing strategies for Rhode Island southern shores included the Weekapaug, Quonny, Charlestown, Galilee and Narrow River areas. Dave is a member of the New England Outdoor Writers’ Association and has written hundreds of articles about fishing for striped bass. Visit Dave on his blog at www.ristripedbass.blogspot.com
Pat Abate, owner of River’s End Tackle in Old Saybrook, CT was scheduled to speak about Block Island fishing from shore. Pat’s presentation includes an aerial tour of Block Island showing some great fishing spots, how to get to them and how to fish them once you arrive. For information about Block Island shore fishing visit www.riversendtackle.com (they have classes and seminars too).
Joseph Hartman Memorial Fundraiser a success
The RISAA reports that the Joseph Hartman Memorial Spaghetti & Meatball Dinner held in Coventry on August 25 was a big success with proceeds of the event split between three of Joe's favorite groups: the Coventry Fire District (he was a firefighter), Manchester Lodge #2 and the RISAA Foundation. Dale Hartman, Joe’s wife, said, “Joe was proud to be a member of RISAA … and loved taking part in the annual Take-A-Kid Fishing Day. He would be happy to know that this fundraiser helped to pay for the event.”. Dale Hartman and her daughter, Kristina, presented a check for $633 to the to the R.I. Saltwater Anglers Foundation to be used towards the 2011 “Take-A-Kid Fishing” day.
Where’s the bite
Striped bass fishing on Block Island remains excellent. Stripers are taking parachute jigs and eels along the South side of Block Island, reports captain Rick Bellavance of Priority Too Charters. Angler Joe Daniels of Cranreports landing striped bass off Warwick Neck this past Friday. Daniels said, “…We started trolling out of Oakland Beach by the golf course towards Warwick Light - we were trolling Rapala Magnums at about 23-27 foot depth - picked up a double - one was 28" the other 30". Did a 180 and came back over the same area picked another double both 32" - after that - nothing! - Guess the bad weather cooled the water temperature enough to start bringing them up to my end of the Bay.” Captain Robb Roach of Kettlebottom Outfitters , Jamestown said, “We have been doing well on bass in the Bay lately. Light tackle around Quonset and trolling wire around halfway rock and Prudence Island. The bluefish (gators) are there too!” Ken Ferrara of Ray’s Bait & Tackle said action in most of the Bay is slow but some nice sea bass, fluke and bass being caught south of the bridges. Captain Bob Masse of Fishtales II said on the RISAA blog that he fished Block Island Saturday starting at 6 a.m. and the three anglers on board limited out on bass that weighed in the mid-twenties.
Fluke (summer flounder). Captain Rich Hittinger reported Carl Pearson caught an 8.9 fluke on his boat Skipjack as well as six other fluke over three pounds. Captain Hittinger said, “These fish never came into the (Rhode Island) south shore beaches this year. I think that is because the squid were fished out early in the season by very heavy pressure from the draggers, so there is nothing on the beaches for these fluke to eat. At the Island they are eating sand eels.” Hittinger continued, “From this past weekend I can tell you that the NE wind last week blew the fluke off the spot on the North Rip where they have been for weeks. There are some big scup at the SE corner of Block Island and Coxes Ledge is loaded with dogfish.” Captain Robb Roach said, “The fluke have left the bay! Won't see them there in numbers again until next year. Try going out front and anchor up/ chum. You will do better on fluke and get a ton of seabass and scup as well.”
Off-shore fishing. Captain Rick Bellavance of Priority Too Charters said, “We Fished offshore on Friday and Saturday. Fishing 38 miles S/E of Point Judith, we caught three Makos and five Blue Sharks, all were tagged and released. Trolling for Tuna Fish was unproductive everywhere we tried. …We fished Saturday Night where we found Bluefish and Green Bonito biting diamond jigs in the North Rip off Block Island. September and October offer some of the best fishing of the year, many folks wrap it up after Labor Day, missing the best opportunities to catch the widest variety of fish available all year.”
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