The Block Island Wind Farm: the first and to date, the only ocean
wind farm in the U.S.
We need fresh fish
and ocean wind farms
We need renewable energy bad. The
water is warming. For years the ocean
has acted as a heat absorber and last year it was the warmest ever. If we do
not kick solar and ocean wind power into high gear, and the water continues to
warm, even the warm water fish that have arrived in our area will leave.
We know the polar ice caps are
melting from greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (created from the burning
of fossil fuels) from above. It is now
melting from below too with warming ocean waters. So climate change impacts are
Our cold water fish in the
northeast have moved out to deeper and cooler water… no more winter flounder,
no more American lobster, all the lobsters went to Maine. And, we now have warm water fish in greater
abundance such as scup, black sea bass and summer flounder (even though the
stock is not in great shape). Speaking with fishermen from Maryland, they have
an abundance of warm water species that are normally found further south in
So this is why we need to make
ocean wind farms work.
Our experience with the Block
Island Wind Farm has been excellent. Not only has there been no remarkable
adverse effects on fish and habitat, the fishing in the area is arguably
better. Recreational fishermen catch
summer flounder, black sea bass and cod in the general wind farm area. Many say
(including this fisherman) that fishing in the area has actually been
Commercial rod & reel fishermen
fish the wind farm area. Commercial
trawlers work the waters right alongside the windfarm. And, commercial gill
netters set their nets right up to the pylons.
They do this because the fishing is good there, not because it is bad.
Looking at the bases of the
turbines with underwater photography there is mussel growth on pylons, small
fish eating around the mussels, scup and balck sea bass feeding close to the
pylons with large bluefish and striped bass circling to pick off the smaller
The cumulative impact of fish and
habitat with 80 turbines, next to 100, next to 120 is what all are concerned
about. That’s why we need federal laws
passed that put pressure on the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) to
accelerate research before, during and after construction. We need to see what positive or negative
impacts (if any) the first 80 turbines will have on fish and habitat and apply
the learnings to the construction of the next 80 turbines.
And by the way, the National
Oceanographic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) needs to play more of a
role here, right now they are merely consulted.
If fish or habitat are at risk NOAA Fisheries needs the ability to put
the brakes on as fish and habitat are their business, not BOEM’s business.
All fishermen and all Americans
need to be vigilant about protecting fish and habitat. But wind farm developers and fishermen
posturing for mitigation is not a venue that leads to positive results of
enhancing renewable energy while allowing fisheries to grow.
The recent mitigation process used
in Rhode Island on one lease area project built by Vineyard Wind (for a wind
farm in Massachusetts) has set the table for some silliness. The process was not inclusive of all fishery
sectors in all states. It did not
include concerns of recreational fishers and those of Massachusetts fishermen. If there are two to three projects in each of
20 lease areas, that’s 50 or 60 projects in the mid-Atlantic area to
We need to develop a process for
addresses the needs of fishermen and the wind farm industry that is outside of
mitigation, well before it. More of an inclusive planning approach that
respects the needs and concerns of all at the table.
You also hear some totally false
information spread by some designed to instill fear in fishermen and the public
and position themselves for mitigation. Claims such as you will not be able to
fish near the turbines, birds will be destroyed by the wind farm blades, the
sound of the turbines will drive mammals away, the submarine cables emit
electromagnetic fields that will kill fish, the turbines spinning will blow on
the water and disrupt spawning grounds. I have not been able to find research
that supports these claims.
So I say we have to work this
out. We need renewable energy. And, we
need fresh, nutritious fish. NOAA needs a larger seat at the decision making
table. Wind farm developers and
fishermen have to learn to live and work together.
If we do not reduce the impacts of
climate change, eventually even the warm water fish that have arrived in our
waters will leave for cooler waters.
I am convinced we can develop
renewable energy and yet have no remarkable negative impacts on fish and
habitat. We need to work to achieve this
positive outcome today.
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